Microdiscectomy in Turkey

Microdiscectomy Treatment Cost, Best Doctors and Hospitals in Turkey

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Symptoms include persistent back or neck pain, numbness or weakness in the limbs, difficulty walking or standing, and loss of bladder or bowel control.

No, high blood pressure is not typically associated with conditions that require a microdiscectomy. However, uncontrolled high blood pressure can contribute to overall health problems.

Frequent back injuries that lead to persistent pain or nerve symptoms may be an indication for a microdiscectomy.

No, anemia is not typically a symptom associated with conditions that require a microdiscectomy.

Have you received a formal diagnosis from a medical professional?


A herniated disc is diagnosed through physical examination, patient history, and imaging studies like MRIs or CT scans.

Evaluation includes a thorough physical examination, review of medical history, and imaging studies to assess the condition of the spine and the location of the herniated disc.

The need for a microdiscectomy is determined based on the severity of symptoms, the extent of the herniated disc as seen on imaging studies, and the patient’s overall health.

It depends on the specific health conditions. A comprehensive evaluation considers overall health to determine eligibility for a microdiscectomy.

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