Breast Cancer in Thailand

Breast Cancer Treatment Cost, Best Doctors and Hospitals in Thailand

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Info Saudi To Egypt USD Saudi To India USD Saudi To Thailand USD
Total HealthTrip Package Cost 8900 5590 5792
Package Days and Night 5 Days 5 Days 5 Days
Treatment Cost 8900 5000 5000
Flights with Healthtrip 0 180 280
Visa Form Filling - Healthtrip 0 10 32
Airport transfer 0 0 0
Patient Friendly Accomodation 0 20 50
Accomodation for Co Traveler 0 0 0
Patient Coordinator with Healthtrip 0 0 0
Interpreter 0 0 0

Medical Travel Cost Calculator



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VISA Form Filling
Language Interpreter
Airport Transfer
Hotel Cost Per day
Friendly Accommodation
Patient Coordinator
Co Traveller Accommodation

Note : Price were checked last on 31 December, 2023. Prices may have revised. Please check with your consultant on final travel cost

Have you received a formal diagnosis from a medical professional?


Common symptoms include a lump or mass in the breast or underarm area, changes in breast size or shape, nipple discharge (other than breast milk), breast skin changes such as dimpling or puckering, and persistent breast pain.

Yes, breast cancer can sometimes cause symptoms like swelling or a lump in the armpit, persistent pain in the breast or armpit, redness or thickening of the breast skin, and changes in the appearance of the nipple.

Not always. Some early-stage breast cancers may not cause noticeable symptoms. That's why regular breast self-exams, mammograms, and clinical breast exams are important for early detection.

Risk factors include gender (being female), increasing age, family history of breast cancer, inherited genetic mutations (such as BRCA1 and BRCA2), personal history of breast cancer or certain non-cancerous breast diseases, hormonal factors (early menstruation, late menopause, hormone replacement therapy), and lifestyle factors (obesity, alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity).

Have you received a formal diagnosis from a medical professional?


Breast cancer diagnosis typically involves a combination of imaging tests such as mammography, ultrasound, and MRI, followed by a biopsy to confirm the presence of cancerous cells and determine the type and stage of breast cancer.

A breast biopsy involves the removal of a small sample of breast tissue for examination under a microscope. Biopsies can be performed using various techniques, including fine-needle aspiration, core needle biopsy, or surgical biopsy, depending on the size and location of the abnormality.

A positive biopsy result indicates the presence of cancerous cells in the breast tissue. Further tests, such as imaging scans and staging studies, will be conducted to determine the extent of the cancer and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment options for breast cancer may include surgery (lumpectomy or mastectomy), radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these approaches, depending on the type, stage, and characteristics of the cancer.
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Dr Frea Ramzi Perdawood

Consultant - Oncoplastic Breast Surgery

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American Hospital Dubai

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United Arab Emirates

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Dr. Geeta Kadyaparth

Senior Director – Surgical Oncology (Breast)

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Prof. Dr. Med. Vesna Bjelic-radisic

Head of the breast center and the department of senology

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Kolan International Hospital, Istanbul


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