Skin Cancer in India

Skin Cancer Treatment Cost, Best Doctors and Hospitals in India

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Have you received a formal diagnosis from a medical professional?


Symptoms include new or changing skin growths, sores that don’t heal, or changes in existing moles such as size, shape, color, or feel.

Yes, persistent itching or pain in a new growth or mole can be a symptom of skin cancer.

While infections are not typically associated with skin cancer, non-healing sores can be a sign of skin cancer.

Anemia is not typically a symptom of skin cancer. However, certain advanced cancers can cause systemic symptoms like anemia.

Have you received a formal diagnosis from a medical professional?


Skin cancer is diagnosed through a physical examination of the skin, a biopsy to examine the skin cells under a microscope, and imaging studies like CT scans or MRIs if needed.

Evaluation includes a physical examination, biopsy, and possibly imaging studies to assess the extent of the skin cancer and determine the appropriate treatment plan.

The type of skin cancer is determined by the appearance of the cancer cells under a microscope. The most common types are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

Yes, skin cancer can be diagnosed regardless of other health conditions. However, certain conditions or medications can increase your risk of developing skin cancer.
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Dr. Pongsiri Koonngam

Dermatologist and Skin Problems

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Piyavate Hospital

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Dr. Piyamas Singvahanont

Dermatologist and Skin Problems

Hospital Hospital

Piyavate Hospital

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Dr. Praneet Sajjachareonpong

Dermatology, Skin Allergy

Hospital Hospital

Piyavate Hospital

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Kolan International Hospital, Istanbul


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Istinye University Hospital


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