Scoliosis in India

Scoliosis Treatment Cost, Best Doctors and Hospitals in India

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Info Bangladesh To India USD
Total HealthTrip Package Cost 14590
Package Days and Night
Treatment Cost 14000
Flights with Healthtrip 180
Visa Form Filling - Healthtrip 10
Airport transfer 0
Patient Friendly Accomodation 20
Accomodation for Co Traveler 0
Patient Coordinator with Healthtrip 0
Interpreter 0

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VISA Form Filling
Language Interpreter
Airport Transfer
Hotel Cost Per day
Friendly Accommodation
Patient Coordinator
Co Traveller Accommodation

Note : Price were checked last on 31 December, 2023. Prices may have revised. Please check with your consultant on final travel cost

Have you received a formal diagnosis from a medical professional?


Severe curvature, persistent pain, difficulty breathing, or worsening deformity are indicators that may prompt consideration of scoliosis surgery.

Symptoms can vary, but surgery may be considered if there's a significant progression of curvature, impacting daily activities or causing discomfort.

Yes, scoliosis can lead to changes in posture, and surgery aims to correct these deformities, improving overall spinal alignment.

Severe scoliosis may impact neurological function. Surgery aims to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, addressing associated neurological symptoms.

Have you received a formal diagnosis from a medical professional?


Scoliosis is typically diagnosed through a physical examination and imaging tests such as X-rays. The degree of spinal curvature is measured to determine the severity of the condition.

X-rays provide detailed images of the spine, allowing for accurate measurement of the curvature. MRI may be used to assess the spinal cord and nerves, especially if neurological symptoms are present.

Scoliosis can be diagnosed in childhood. Signs include uneven shoulders, a prominent shoulder blade, or an asymmetrical waistline. Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider can aid in early detection.

Genetic testing may be considered, especially in cases with a family history of scoliosis. It helps identify specific genetic factors contributing to the condition.
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Prof. Dr. med. Michael Akbar

Spine and Scoliosis Specialist

Hospital Hospital


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Surana Sethia Hospital and Research Center


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Axis Orthopedic Hospital


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Why Choose for Your Scoliosis Surgery Journey?

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Personalized Treatment Plan and Expert Consultation:

Register online and schedule your appointment to receive a personalized treatment plan from expert doctors who specialize in Scoliosis Surgery.

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Hassle-Free Logistics:

Leave it to Us: We take care of all the logistics for you. From estimating treatment costs based on your medical history to organizing essential documents like visa invitation letters, we ensure a smooth process. Seamless Transportation: Enjoy stress-free transportation from the airport or hotel to the hospital, managed by our dedicated team.

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Dedicated Multi-lingual Relationship Manager:

Benefit from a dedicated single point of contact who speaks your language. Your manager will handle all dealings with the hospital, airport, taxi services, and local tourism, providing clear communication and support.

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Priority Treatment and Simplicity:

Experience priority treatment with no waiting time during doctor consultations. We meticulously manage your entire journey, from tracking consultations and billing to follow-up emails, health insurance, and accommodation arrangements.


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